Thursday, December 18, 2008


I thought of this today while I was driving. Things can be extremely noisy at not only the holidays but at other times. I was the mother of four boys and I certainly can verify that the noise level can increase during a round of video competition or even an outdoor sport. I attended a NASCAR race once and again the noise from the cars racing was loud, no more like a roaring tornado.

So, what does this have to do with selective hearing. I can choose to turn my hearing aids off and block out the sound IF I want to. [And no I don't mean to do this while driving.]

If things get too noisy or you are trying to take a nap and the noise bothers you, remove the aid or turn it off. If you are around kids you know that they still have to be within your vision. I used this technique once when my boys were just being boys. My father-in-law asked me if the noise bothered me and as soon as he asked the question he knew the answer. He laughed and knew that this time I had an advantage over him. He couldn't tune out the noise.

(And yes, I would rather be like my father-in-law and have perfect hearing but since living with a hearing loss is something I deal with daily, I kind of like this selective hearing.)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


December marks the beginning of the colorful green and red colors that are almost everywhere. The green color of the Christmas tree is adorned with twinkling or clear lights and a variety of ornaments that fill almost the spaces on the branches. The red poinsettias, red and white candy canes, and the bright red color of Santa's suit add to the palette. Combined with either twinkling or clear lights that adorn both homes and businesses as well as the Christmas trees the beauty of the season takes on a different glow.

The one thing that makes the season special is the melodies of songs, the ringing of bells, and the snap and crackle of a fire burning in a fireplace. Children laughing, carolers singing, and church choirs with voices blending are more sounds that everyone appreciates. Enjoy the season but take time to listen, really listen to the world around you. After all, it comes only once a year.