Sunday, September 14, 2008


Once you have your hearing aids you need to take care of them. It sounds so obvious yet there are a few things that you should NOT do. Realize that the high pitch sounds of hearing aid can be heard by dogs. Laying the aids anywhere close to a table or counter top can be a fatal mistake. The sound attracts the dog who in turn can select to stop the noise by, yes, eating them. I know because once, and only once did I make this mistake. When I mentioned it to my audiologist he said that you wouldn't believe the number of people who have made this mistake. I also found that there is a smell that comes from the ear and is on the hearing aid which attracts them.

Hearing batteries are very small and I can't tell you how many times I have dropped mine. What is more tragic than the hearing aids is dropping your hearing aid on the floor especially if the floor is not carpeted. The aid will eventually develop hairline cracks and will need to be replaced.

When the battery door seems a little loose, take it in for service. It is a simple task for the audiologist to replace but on your own you could make matters worse by jamming it inside the circuitry.

Take them out before taking a shower or a dip in the pool. If you wear the hearing aids on a daily basis you may actually forget that you have them and make a bad error in judgment. I've never done this but I have been told that more than one person has damaged their hearing aids in this fashion.

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