Tuesday, September 9, 2008


This may sound a little trite but if you wear hearing aids then use them. They are too expensive to hide in a drawer. A person I know purchased two digital hearing aids and wore them for a while. After spending almost $2000 he stopped wearing them because they weren’t doing him any good. He didn’t like “fussing” with them and in my opinion he gave up. What he didn’t realize was that he couldn’t hear and many times he would ignore what I said. I had to shout to get him to hear. With today’s small models most people won’t notice them.

Another person that I know claims that the hearing aids are not needed around the house. That person is missing out on so much. Yes, you will probably be self-conscious at first when you wear your aids but you will be amazed at exactly how much you have been missing in life. Isn’t it worth a little effort to hear the sounds of the world around us? And if sounds or noises bother you too much you can do what I do. Just turn the volume down. At noisy events like a race car event or football game, just turn them all the way down and watch the action in peace without the loud noises bothering you.

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