Wednesday, October 15, 2008


In another area where hearing may be a challenge isa church setting. This is usually more noticeable to me that in a restaurant because the problem with hearing is more noticeable, at least to me. The piano and organ are usually in harmony and balanced. The speaker or person at the front of the church usually has a microphone and if they speak clearly, it is easy to hear them. Some pastors have a soft voice and if they don’t project their voice then I miss out on a major part of the sermon. The time of prayer is usually spoken in a much softer voice and for me that is the most difficult part. Unless someone speaks clearly, I usually don’t hear anything said during this time.

Fellowship times or times when business is being handled is another time that I miss things, especially if the business is handled without the use of a microphone. Very young children who want to share something special can be hard to hear and many times they are so timid that they don’t want to repeat what they said. This is especially true if a child is enthusiastic and tells you something and then is disappointed when you miss out on what is said the first time.

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